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There are many ways to carve a turkey. Some swear by the tried-and-true traditional method with a carving fork and a sharp blade, and others would be lost without their electric knives. Regardless of ...

A turkey baster is one of those single-use kitchen items that most people only need once or twice a year (although you can use it for a few other things). You never seem to miss having one until the h ...

I've never been a huge fan of the traditional roasted turkey at Thanksgiving. Different parts of the bird finish cooking at different times, so by the time the legs are cooked through, the breast meat ...

It's bad enough messing up in the kitchen when it's just for you or your family, but when you're cooking for a big event with a lot of guests, it can be mortifying. And on a holiday like Thanksgiving, ...

How often do you make a pie from scratch? If your answer is "only during the holidays," you're not alone. Unless you're an experienced baker, homemade pies can be pretty tough to tackle. And the most ...

This video is about the school children's told the secret of the transformation of cassava into the flour called "gari". After that, all the children's started singing, dancing and even playing with t ...

Autumn is a time of year when everything looks, smells, and tastes good. The scents of cinnamon and spices are everywhere you go, and even the dead leaves that fall off the trees are pretty. In partic ...

Turkey is the focal point and A-list star of your Thanksgiving table, so it only makes sense to make the bird as delicious as possible, right? Eschew the tired method of roasting and basting your turk ...

Serve your rolls and bread sticks in style! Take a basket and turn it into a Thanksgiving-themed breadbasket. You will need a basket, a glue gun, googly eyes, food safe skewers, a wooden spoon, scisso ...

As an American to who is married to a Korean and living in Korea, I have gotten chances to experience Korean Thanksgiving called Chuseok (??). One of the beautiful things is that the family gets toget ...