We've all come to expect turkey as the main dish on Thanksgiving, maybe even Christmas, but did you know you can serve turkey as a dessert, too? In this episode of "The Martha Stewart Show," you'll le ...

Turkey cookies— what dessert would be better for Thanksgiving? And no, this isn't another ingenious idea on how to use turkey meat for leftovers, but it is an ingenious way to make cookies—cookie turk ...

In this video, you'll learn how to make some tasty and delicious desserts for your Thanksgiving meal. You'll be shown how to make a classic pumpkin pie, and then something a little more special. If yo ...

Turn an Oreo cookie into a delicious turkey cookie! Aside from the Oreos, you will need some thick chocolate frosting, candy corn for the feathers, a malt ball (like a Whopper) for the body and a cinn ...

Dress up the traditional pumpkin pie by turning it into a delicious spiced pumpkin cheesecake! You'll need your favorite cookie crust, a springform pan, cream cheese, sugar, eggs, butter, canned pumpk ...

What better way to finish off your Thanksgiving meal than with a nice hot slice of apple pie? As Thanksgiving as Thanksgiving desserts come, apple pie has mesmerized our collective taste buds since it ...

Serve your friends and family an alternative turkey this year with these cute as a button turkey cupcakes. We know you're probably already up to your hairline in planning for the big Turkey Day celebr ...

Interested in making candy apples this holiday season? With the right ingredients and technique, it's easy! And this video guide presents a complete, step-by-step walkthrough of the process. For all o ...

Cooks and pastry chefs like to use a lot of jargon in the naming of their cooking ingredients and finished foodstuffs to make their work sound fancier. Tuna tartare, for example, is really nothing mor ...

Pie crust can be one of the most infuriating and disappointing part of the pie-making experience. If you must insist on making your own pie crust for Thanksgiving, you should at least get some expert ...