It's bad enough messing up in the kitchen when it's just for you or your family, but when you're cooking for a big event with a lot of guests, it can be mortifying. And on a holiday like Thanksgiving, that's all about the food, the last thing you want is to botch a key component of the meal.
This video is about the school children's told the secret of the transformation of cassava into the flour called "gari". After that, all the children's started singing, dancing and even playing with their hands. One can go on a voyage humanitaire to provide support and assistance to the needy people and help them.
Autumn is a time of year when everything looks, smells, and tastes good. The scents of cinnamon and spices are everywhere you go, and even the dead leaves that fall off the trees are pretty. In particular, the fruits and vegetables of the season are gorgeous.
Turkey is the focal point and A-list star of your Thanksgiving table, so it only makes sense to make the bird as delicious as possible, right? Eschew the tired method of roasting and basting your turkey in the oven for hours on end and try out a new method of cooking it this year: deep frying.
Serve your rolls and bread sticks in style! Take a basket and turn it into a Thanksgiving-themed breadbasket. You will need a basket, a glue gun, googly eyes, food safe skewers, a wooden spoon, scissors, colored construction paper and a block of florist foam.
Here's a fun alternative to using bread crumbs in your Thanksgiving stuffing - make it with rice in a rice cooker! Use rice, almonds, butter, a tart red apple, onion, celery, poultry seasoning, thyme and chicken stock. Then mix them all up and cook them in a rice cooker!
This year, like every year before it, Black Friday sales are starting earlier than ever. A lot of stores will be opening their doors as early as 5pm on Thanksgiving to get a head start on the madness (and it really is madness).
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and the belts are already loosening in preparation. Besides the copious amounts of turkey, stuffing, greens, and pies, you may have enough room for some classic cake.
You probably decorate your dining room table for Christmas, but what about Thanksgiving? We realize that the big turkey, mashed potatoes, and various other sides take up most of the room on the table, but that doesn't mean you can't add some non-edible flavor.
Comedian and actor Adam Sandler may be famous for his irreverant Jewish holiday hymn "The Chanukah Song," but he's also written several other holiday tunes that are of festive interest.
We've all come to expect turkey as the main dish on Thanksgiving, maybe even Christmas, but did you know you can serve turkey as a dessert, too? In this episode of "The Martha Stewart Show," you'll learn how to make turkey cupcakes (which are not made with actual turkey meat—they just look like turkeys).
Turn a basket into a holiday decoration that you can use to hold goodies, napkins or other holiday items. This tutorial shows you how to take a plain wicker basket and attach fall-themed artificial plants and other embellishments to create a fall or Thanksgiving themed basket.
The debate over whether to deep-fry or roast a Thanksgiving turkey can get pretty heated. Both have their merits, but it's hard to argue with that crispy, golden brown skin and moist texture that the fryer gives. But what's better than a deep-fried turkey?
Turkey cookies— what dessert would be better for Thanksgiving? And no, this isn't another ingenious idea on how to use turkey meat for leftovers, but it is an ingenious way to make cookies—cookie turkeys—which can easily be "gobbled" up by the whole family during your Thanksgiving celebration.
People take their Black Friday shopping seriously. Some of them are even willing to fight over it. Every year the stories get crazier and crazier, and someone always gets hurt (or even killed).
Every year, Black Friday gets a little more insane. People get up at ungodly hours, wait in lines forever, and get into some of the most ridiculous fights you've ever seen. All in the name of saving some cash. Everyone loves saving money, but without a game plan, you could end up missing all the good deals and going home with nothing.
Thanksgiving is pretty much the only day out of the year when you can be a complete fatass. It's totally expected, if not encouraged. In fact, if you aren't stuffing your face with a bunch of delicious and unhealthy food, people start to look at you funny.
As the holidays approach, so does that wonderful Autumn day where loads of people happily camp out in freezing weather in front of their favorite stores to save a few bucks on their favorite electronics. And yes, that day is near...
Looking for something a little more exhilarating this Thanksgiving? Something with a bit more kick? Forget traditional roasted turkey. If you've got the stomach for it, try turducken, a wonderful triplex of turkey, duck and chicken with sausage stuffing and Cajun seasoning. Or go for good ol' American fried food, the deep fried Thanksgiving bird.
Yesterday was the biggest shopping event of the year— Black Friday— the day after Thanksgiving. Most waiting in huge lines, getting swallowed up by commercialism on its biggest profit-turning day, and there's still tons of shopping to be had on Saturday and Sunday, with many stores continuing their sales across the weekend. But if you're not interested in bouncing heads with a rush of angry holiday shoppers, you can still get the same deals online, from the comfort and safety of your own home.
If your family isn't quite the size of the Duggars yet and you're planning what to put on the menu for Thanksgiving, a 30 pound bird is probably not the best choice. Yeah, we know that having a big fat bird in the center of your table is tradition and whatnot, but we seriously doubt a family of five or six could finish all that PLUS side dishes and desserts.
In this video, you'll learn how to make some tasty and delicious desserts for your Thanksgiving meal. You'll be shown how to make a classic pumpkin pie, and then something a little more special. If you're a fan of whoopie pies, try out this pumpkin whoopie pie!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, leaving holiday cookers scrambling for turkey recipes the whole family will love, without taking up the whole holiday in the kitchen. One thing's for sure though— a nice Butterball turkey is sure to be the main dish on everyone's table this feast-ive holiday season.
Black Friday is the most active shopping day in America, and many people scour the malls and shopping centers for great ideas. Here is how you can consistently get the best deal for all the people on your gift list.
If you wait for the newspaper to come out with all the Black Friday deals, you'll have lost out on several hours of valuable shopping time! The best way to stay updated this Black Friday and Cyber Monday is by using smartphone apps!
Black Friday is undeniably the biggest shopping day of the year. Black Friday, which occurs annually the day after Thanksgiving, is also the kickstart of the holiday shopping season, the big bang that leads swiftly to Christmas.
Turn an Oreo cookie into a delicious turkey cookie! Aside from the Oreos, you will need some thick chocolate frosting, candy corn for the feathers, a malt ball (like a Whopper) for the body and a cinnamon candy for the wattle.
Dress up the traditional pumpkin pie by turning it into a delicious spiced pumpkin cheesecake! You'll need your favorite cookie crust, a springform pan, cream cheese, sugar, eggs, butter, canned pumpkin and your favorite pumpkin spices - like cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice.
So the cooking of the bird doesn't lie on your shoulders this Thanksgiving. Lucky. But before you relax too much, there is a wild card- you never know who will be handed the carving knife. Below, five handy infographics for carving a turkey like a pro.
Thanksgiving is almost near and everyone's scrambling around for turkey and stuffing recipes. But if you're expecting guests with coeliac disease, then you're going to have to play it safe. Use this stuffing recipe that abides to a gluten-free diet, but just because it's gluten-free, doesn't mean it won't taste great! Trust us, you won't even tell the difference!
Beer can turkey? Sounds like a joke, right? Well, it may have started off as one, but now shoving a beer can up the butt of a turkey is a much favored cooking technique in lieu of the traditional Thanksgiving turkey. With the beer can up its butt, it helps steam the turkey to keep it moist and tender, all while giving it that perfect aroma and taste.
Thanksgiving is less than a week away! We know - Thanksgiving can be a mess - too many relatives, too many dishes to cook, and too many things to do. At least no one can complain there's too much food to eat. This week, we'll show you how you can make your life easier with some innovative ideas.
If your family veers on the smaller side (so we're talking more the Gilmores than than the Duggars) then a 20 pound Thanksgiving turkey is probably a bit too much food for you to handle. Luckily, there are alternative ways to serve turkey without needing to pull out a big bird.
Let's face it, people: Many of us power through the holidays with the aid of an extra glass of wine or beer here and there. Whether it's your perverted uncle or your overbearing grandmother that you have to put up with, a little buzz makes everything more jolly.
What better way to finish off your Thanksgiving meal than with a nice hot slice of apple pie? As Thanksgiving as Thanksgiving desserts come, apple pie has mesmerized our collective taste buds since it was invented because of its perfect balance between tartness and sweetness.
Once your Thanksgiving dinner table is set with beautiful gourds, autumnal leaves, and candles and your turkey, green bean casserole, and pies are out of the oven, it's time to mess everything up. While a beautiful dinner presentation is great and all, unless you plan on having your guests rip off drumsticks from the turkey caveman-style you'll probably want to carve the bird.
Serve your friends and family an alternative turkey this year with these cute as a button turkey cupcakes. We know you're probably already up to your hairline in planning for the big Turkey Day celebration, so lighten up your baking load by baking simple vanilla cupcakes and then decorating them into these easy turkey shapes.
More likely than not, you'll be roasting a big fat turkey this Thanksgiving. Yup, that means a few days of defrosting (if your bird is frozen), seasoning, and sticking it in the oven to roast for a couple of hours.
The edible turkey doesn't have to be the only turkey on your Thanksgiving table this holiday season. We know that when it comes to turkey day, food is probably the most important attraction.
We know that Thanksgiving isn't the likeliest of holidays on which to send greeting cards. With Christmas in such close promixity, Thanksgiving usually gets relagated to being solely a food holiday where the turkey is the main attraction.
We understand that bread and biscuits aren't exactly the A-list stars of your Thanksgiving table. Most families serve the bread before the meal begins as a sort of appetizer and then the bread is disregarded as other savory dishes pile in.
Okay, first things first: Turducken, as you may be able to guess by the name, is a delicious (and usually carnivorous) dish made of turkey stuffed with duck that's been stuffed with chicken.
What the hell is turducken? Well, as the amalgam of a name will tell you, it's a delicious dish made from turkey stuffed with duck that's stuffed with a chicken.
Start planning your Thanksgiving feast before it's too late! And if you're looking for something besides the usual turkey fare, but can't stand the idea of a turkey-less Thanksgiving, then we've got the perfect solution for you…
Still baking your turkey all traditional-like in the oven? Why not try a new way of serving turkey this year for Thanksgiving that doesn't even involve the oven? It may sound odd and even a bit difficult, but deep frying a turkey is one of the best ways to eat a turkey.
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a cute Thanksgiving card using stamps. First, cut an oval shape with an oval template. After this, you will stamp the image from the harvest home stamp set on watercolor paper. After this, outline the image with SU markers and color the image in with an aqua painter brush. From here, scallop the edges of the design to make it look more unique. Then, glue the stamp to the card stock and use it as the front of a card for the holidays! Experiment with...
The holiday season is soon going to be upon us, which means there will soon be 30 pound turkeys on tables everywhere. Turkey is the centerpiece of a satisfying Thanksgiving table, so it's important to make sure yours is juicy, tender, and roasted just right.
Interested in making candy apples this holiday season? With the right ingredients and technique, it's easy! And this video guide presents a complete, step-by-step walkthrough of the process. For all of the details, and to get started making perfect candy apples yourself, take a look.
When making Turkey, just like chicken or any other sort of poultry, you have to make sure that you clean it well. On top of that you have to make sure that the area that you clean it in as well as all the utensils and dishes that were used in the preparation. In this video you will get tips for cleaning and prepping your Turkey for consumption!
Salt seems to sneak in everywhere, especially for big meals like Thanksgiving, when it seems every dish calls for salt. Some ideas for cutting down on salt is to cook with unsalted butter, low-sodium broths or use salt substitutes when cooking.
Cooks and pastry chefs like to use a lot of jargon in the naming of their cooking ingredients and finished foodstuffs to make their work sound fancier. Tuna tartare, for example, is really nothing more than finely choppsed tuna flavored with seasonings and sauces.