What the hell is turducken? Well, as the amalgam of a name will tell you, it's a delicious dish made from turkey stuffed with duck that's stuffed with a chicken.
Start planning your Thanksgiving feast before it's too late! And if you're looking for something besides the usual turkey fare, but can't stand the idea of a turkey-less Thanksgiving, then we've got the perfect solution for you…
A Turducken is a partially de-boned turkey stuffed with a de-boned duck, which itself is stuffed with a small de-boned chicken. Each layer is surrounded with a bread type stuffing. We used a cornbread, jalapeño, smoked oyster stuffing and a sage, onion, celery stuffing. The turducken was roasted in the oven and served with mashed potatoes and green beens with cracklin Cracklin is the rendered duck fat cooked to a crunchy bacon like state. This video will show the tools you will need to debone...