Serve your rolls and bread sticks in style! Take a basket and turn it into a Thanksgiving-themed breadbasket. You will need a basket, a glue gun, googly eyes, food safe skewers, a wooden spoon, scissors, colored construction paper and a block of florist foam.
Turn a basket into a holiday decoration that you can use to hold goodies, napkins or other holiday items. This tutorial shows you how to take a plain wicker basket and attach fall-themed artificial plants and other embellishments to create a fall or Thanksgiving themed basket.
The edible turkey doesn't have to be the only turkey on your Thanksgiving table this holiday season. We know that when it comes to turkey day, food is probably the most important attraction.
We know that Thanksgiving isn't the likeliest of holidays on which to send greeting cards. With Christmas in such close promixity, Thanksgiving usually gets relagated to being solely a food holiday where the turkey is the main attraction.
We understand that bread and biscuits aren't exactly the A-list stars of your Thanksgiving table. Most families serve the bread before the meal begins as a sort of appetizer and then the bread is disregarded as other savory dishes pile in.
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a cute Thanksgiving card using stamps. First, cut an oval shape with an oval template. After this, you will stamp the image from the harvest home stamp set on watercolor paper. After this, outline the image with SU markers and color the image in with an aqua painter brush. From here, scallop the edges of the design to make it look more unique. Then, glue the stamp to the card stock and use it as the front of a card for the holidays! Experiment with...